Monday, August 18, 2008

Farewell Ficus

My Ficus benjamina commonly known as the Weeping Fig, Benjamin's Fig, or just a Ficus tree has finally gone off to plant heaven.

I bought my Ficus tree along with a pot, saucer, and potting soil a few months ago. I thought since I did so well with my outdoor flowers, that I might try my hand at indoor plants.

My Ficus tree had lovely green leaves and the trunk was braided (there were four all together). It was a beautiful tree. My Ficus had a special place in the living room next to the window where it could get lots of sun during the day. It dictated where the lamps would be placed so as not to distract anyone from seeing the Ficus. Now that I think about it, it kind of dictated how I decorated my living room period!

Every day I came home, my Ficus would seem to wave to me with its leafy branches. I'd water it every other day, fed it fertilizer, made sure it got some sun, but then I started to notice leaves on the floor. I freaked out but then I noticed the leaves that had fallen were brown and dried up, so I thought nothing of it. I thought the tree was just getting rid of the dead leaves. I figured it was just like a pet shedding some fur when the weather is warm. I had no idea that it was something bigger. Later, I started to notice the bright green leaves on the floor. I thought something was wrong but shrugged the idea off. I would shake the Ficus and there would be a shower of leaves falling to the floor. I could feel my heart sink to my stomach. My very first Ficus tree was sick!

I didn't now what to do. I thought maybe I could save it before it was too late. So I bought a new pot where the water could drain out, I put it in fresh potting soil, I gave it Miracle Grow (the liquid and the sticks), I put it outside when the sun was out, I misted the leaves with water, and I moved it to a new spot thinking all this would help. I didn't see any improvements, so I did some research.

What I found shocked me. Apparently EVERYTHING I was doing was wrong! Here’s just few things I did:

WRONG - I put it next to a window thinking the sun would be good.
CORRECT – Moving away from direct sun and windows due to drafts.

WRONG – Putting tree in a pot that wouldn’t allow water to drain out.
CORRECT – Put in pot with drainage dish to prevent root rot.

WRONG – Not misting the leaves (I started too late).
CORRECT – You’re supposed to mist the leaves twice daily because it's sort of like the humid climate the plant originates from.

Apparently, the Ficus is a creature of habit and hates change. I thought I bought a low maintenance tree. Oh how wrong was I!

I tried everything I could to save the Ficus. I tried resuscitating it with plant CPR, I tried the plant shock paddles, and gave it double doses of Miracle Grow but nothing. All I got was a flat line. I finally had to call the time of death and turn the monitors off.

So, I am saying my last goodbye to my high maintenance Ficus. May you find everything you need in plant heaven. I must move on and your high maintenance demands will certainly not be missed.


Anonymous said...

RIP ficus tree.
I'm sorry to hear about your plant.

Stephanie said...

Aww, poor little ficus. :(