Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Get'cha Head in the Game

It would appear that the only people reading this blog are the ones that write it. That being what it is, the least we could do is something to entertain each other. (Remember the story about the bear with the LiveStrong bracelet?) Anyway, I’ve come up with a game. Here’s what we’ll do:

1. Program your I-pod to random.
2. Write down the first three songs.
3. Write something special about them.

That’s all. It’ll be fun. Can’t wait to read about your music. And…GO!
I’ll even start.

Song 1: Swinging on a Star – Bing Crosby
I love Bing Crosby. My favourite movie is “White Christmas,” but I also love “The Bells of St. Mary’s,” and “Going My Way.” This song is from “Going My Way,” when he’s trying to get all the bad-ass kids to sing in a choir so they’ll stay out of trouble. It’s awesome. This song says you’ll grow up to be a mule, or a pig, or a fish if you don’t go to school and have nice manners. A song with a moral; them were the good ol’ days.

Song 2: Get'cha Head In The Game – High School Musical Soundtrack
I have my I-pod set so that when it picks up music, it picks it up from the general music selection and not a specialized folder. This means that it has every single song that has ever been entered into my I-tunes library. Both of my kids have I-pods so I also pick up their music. (And Christmas music.) That being said—I love this movie and know every song word for word. And also, it’s a good running song.

Song 3: Starry-Eyed Surprise – Paul Oakenfold
Another good running song. I first heard this song on a Diet Coke commercial (the one with the girl on rollerskates and the bubbles). I loved this song so much that I spent the next four months asking every one I met if they had ever heard this song and who it was by and what it was called. Finally, a girl in one of my classes (Anna—the knower of all) had heard it and knew who it was by and what it was called and I ran to the library to see if I could find it, and they had it, and so now I have it. And also, this is one of the songs that I play full-blast before a football game so the boys can sing at the top of their lungs and get pumped up. Listening to eleven-year-olds sing the lyrics “Eclectic electric, ladies of the evenin’, drinkin’ booze and minglin’” is rather amusing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh! This'll be fun. I'll IPod it tonight!