Monday, July 13, 2009

The eyes have it...

...uveitis that is.

This was supposed to be my weekend of Calgary fun and immediately spiralled into a hellish trip. Well, maybe not hellish. I was told several times by my travel companion that you have to take the good with the bad. This is the story of the rollercoaster weekend.

It began since last Sunday. My right eyeball was pink and sore with every movement. But it wasn't pink eye. I've had pink eye with every bad flu and this wasn't it. By Friday morning and no sign of the storm breaking, I took the morning off from work and journeyed down to the medicentre. My beloved Dr. Zed would never be the available on-call doctor, and as I predicted, I was stuck with the abominable Dr. LePuke (that's not his name, but it kinda sounds like it). All I would need were some industrial-strength eye drops.

After waiting the standard 45 minutes, I went into the examination room. LePuke came in shortly after, just as the infected ear poster was starting to get to me. I told him my symptoms and he repeated them back to me.

LePuke: "You might have iritis. It's an inflammation."

Me: "Okay-"

LePuke: "I'll make you an appointment at the Royal Alex's eye clinic."

What what what?! A hospital? I don't want to go there.

The nurse gives me the appointment date, which I figured would be the following week (say this day here). No, it was Saturday at 10 a.m. -- when my pal and I would be touring the Calgary Zoo, looking for baby animals and ice cream. This eye thing had to be more serious than I thought.

Me: "B-but I'm supposed to be in Calgary tomorrow morning. Can you reschedule?"

Nurse: "Well, that's the appointment. You should probably go."

Me (now bawling like a fool because Dr. LePuke didn't seem to want to explain what this weird "iritis" is and its severity and my weekend is suddenly ruined): "Is-is what I have serious?"

Nurse: "You should probably go."

Bitch! Bastard! Thank you, medicentre staff, for informing me of what I might have. I forgot that all regular joes on the street should know what this odd condition is with the flip of an iPhone.

All I wanted were some industrial-strength eye drops and now I had to see an eye specialist.

(To be continued...)

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